"Vladimir Yarovitsin is one of those giant Russian bass singers; he also sings a folk song and then Black Eyes with all the vocal tricks of a Tom Jones or Tony bennet...."
Edward Thorpe "Evening Standard" 27 september, 1990 |
"Stars of the Bolshoy Opera, Irina Zhurina, Vladimir Malchenko and the celebrated bass Vladimir Yarovitsin bring a touch of class - to the proceedings."
"Press and Gournal " 7 november 1990 |
"...alleen Vladimir Jarovitsins Boris torende in vocaal opzicht hoog boven zijn collaga's uit..."
Erik Voermans 24.11.2000
"Solo singers Irina Zhurina and Vladimir Malchenko swept through some Russian songs, which seemed quite familiar even if you couldn't name them, while bass Vladimir Yarovtzen shook the rafters with his contribution."
Stuart Franklin "Herald Express" 21 september 1990 |